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Company Overview

GMS HOTELS PRIVATE LIMITED is a 35.5 Years old company, incorporated on 03 Jul 1989. It is classified as Private UnListed Indian Non-Government Company. Its authorized share capital is ₹25,00,000.00 ( ₹25.00 Lakhs ) and its paid up capital is ₹4,72,000.00 ( ₹4.72 Lakhs ). As per MCA the main line of business is Other Business Activities.

GMS HOTELS PRIVATE LIMITED's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on 30 Sep 2023 and as per records from Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), its balance sheet was last filed on 31 Mar 2023.

GMS HOTELS PRIVATE LIMITED's unique Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is U74899MP1989PTC025466 and its registration number is 25466. It is registered at RoC-Gwalior.

The company is incorporated with the address 161/1 GURUNANAK TIMBER MARKET; DHAR ROAD; INDORE; Madhya Pradesh; 452002; India.

The current status of the company is Active.

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Company Highlights

Company CINU74899MP1989PTC025466Authorized Capital₹25,00,000.00 ( ₹25.00 Lakhs )
Age (Incorp. Date)35.5 Years (03-07-1989)Paid up Capital₹4,72,000.00 ( ₹4.72 Lakhs )
Company StatusActiveLast AGM Date30-09-2023
Company ClassPrivate CompanyBalance Sheet Date31-03-2023
Company CategoryCompany limited by sharesCompany SubCategoryIndian Non-Government Company
Active ComplianceACTIVE compliantStatus Under CIRPNA
Filing Status For Last 2 YearsNARegistration No25466
Address161/1 GURUNANAK TIMBER MARKET; DHAR ROAD; INDORE; Madhya Pradesh; 452002; IndiaCompany IndustryOther Business Activities

Industry Classification

Other Business Activities

Previous Names & Previous CINs

Previous Name Previous CIN
There are no previous names or previous CINs for this company

Frequently Asked Questions About GMS HOTELS PRIVATE LIMITED

Basic Questions

What is the Latest Balance Sheet Date of GMS HOTELS PRIVATE LIMITED?
GMS HOTELS PRIVATE LIMITED has filed their latest balance sheet on 31 Mar 2023.

What is the status of GMS HOTELS PRIVATE LIMITED?
GMS HOTELS PRIVATE LIMITED is having Active status.

When was GMS HOTELS PRIVATE LIMITED Incorporated (Created)?
GMS HOTELS PRIVATE LIMITED was incorporated on 03-07-1989.

What is the address of GMS HOTELS PRIVATE LIMITED?
GMS HOTELS PRIVATE LIMITED is having registered office at 161/1 GURUNANAK TIMBER MARKET; DHAR ROAD; INDORE; Madhya Pradesh; 452002; India.

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I wish to contact this company. How can I find the contact details of GMS HOTELS PRIVATE LIMITED?
Click on Order Now button and select InstaSummary report to get the financial summary, director contact and other keyinformation.

How can I get the Latest Audited Financial Statements, Annual Returns, Incorporation documents of GMS HOTELS PRIVATE LIMITED?
Click on Order Now button and select InstaDocs report to get the latest company public documents that include company audited financial statements, annual return, incorporation documents, charge documents and other forms as available at MCA.

How to get the latest 5/3 Year Financial Report along with Shareholders Information and other details in excel or PDF?
Click on Order Now button and select the Brisk report to get the latest 5-year financials of GMS HOTELS PRIVATE LIMITED. Select InstaDetailed report for accessing the latest 3-year financial data. Click here to view the product comparison.

How to find the information about Legal cases filed by & filed against GMS HOTELS PRIVATE LIMITED?
Click on Order Now button and select the Brisk report or InstaLegal report to get the information of the legal case file and filed against GMS HOTELS PRIVATE LIMITED. Click here to view the product comparison.

How can I access company, director, charges master or financial or additional information using API?
Please visit InstaAPI page for more information. Thanks.
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